Selling a business in a way that will maximise the financial proceeds for the owners, who can be legal or private individuals, is a very specialised skill.
Unless you have been through the process before, selling a business is much more complicated and arduous than you would think.
The sale of most businesses with revenues of more than €2 million is a complex task, generally taking several months.
The complexity comes from the large number of variables involved. To achieve the right result and to achieve your strategic goals from the sale process, it takes strategic planning, a lot of work and, most importantly, the right advice. We specialise in providing this advice.
There can come a time in a company’s development when organic growth is no longer sufficient to satisfy the shareholders.
Although the potential rewards are high, for any company the acquisition of another company usually involves a step into the unknown, and carrying out activities that are not in the core skill set of the company. Through the provision of expert advice and assistance, Albacore assists companies in tilting the risk / reward balance in their favour.
In certain situations, management buy-outs and buy-ins are forms of transaction which can represent the best available solutions for both the selling shareholders and the acquirers.
When we advise clients on the establishment and operation of JVs, we typically tell them that the most critical factors are to have mutually compatible shareholders with a shared vision for the future strategy for the JV.
The process of negotiation of the key elements of the agreement are usually invaluable in assessing the level of compatibility of the parties. Albacore provides experienced assistance to companies in navigating their way through this process.